Roger Ferris + Partners Construct A Country Estate
Appropriately placed in the woodsy environment of New Canaan, Connecticut lies a wonderful home that would appeal to any modernist's eyes. This magnificent estate was master planned by Roger Ferris + Partners, this troupe is acclaimed for their diverse creativity and unconventional design strategies. The project was built around the existing Wiley house, a mid-century residence with a modern vibe originally uprooted by the American architect Philip Johnson. Outside lies a detached garage, along with a pool house built into a hillside near the home. This compound also contains 2 on-site art galleries; one placed in a reconstructed barn, and the other inside of the home. The interior of this estate is just as impressive as the exterior. Large glass windows and sliding windows are placed throughout the home, making this abode one with nature when all doors are ajar. Furnished with contemporary pieces and different shades of woods engulfing the home, the design of this project is to be admired by many. Feel free to browse the beautiful homestead with the gallery below!
- Dustin DeGuzman
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- Dustin DeGuzman
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