EJ's Essentials in his words: 1) My backpack is my utility belt. It has 1000 pockets and compartments and can fit most of my other essentials 2) I try to workout everyday and with a baby-in-tow kettlebell is the fastest and most convenient to toss around in my living room. 3) My most prized G-Shock collab, LEGOS! 4) Lip-shit 5) Duh 6) I'm ALWAYS on my phone so I need extra juice 7) Gotta rep the store, plus they are so comfortable 8) Music, Production, Emails, Social Media=Laptop=LIFE 9) The most comfortable shoes I have EVER worn 10) I feel naked if I'm dJing without my midi controller 11) Been using the same headphones for the 16 years I've been a DJ, I'll never change.