Your order will be processed within 24-48 hours and can NOT be canceled once processing is complete. A tracking ID will be sent to the email address provided at checkout as soon as your order has shipped. Shipping times vary based on location and may be changed with the third-party delivery’s discretion.
Ground Shipping: 5-7 Business Days
Two-Day Shipping: 2 Business Days
Next Day Shipping 1 Business Day
International Standard Shipping: 2-6 Business Days
International Expedited Shipping: 1-4 Business Days
International Buyers: Taxes and duty fees are calculated based on the shipping address you provided at checkout. Please provide your location to review the additional costs and ensure the correct amount is being generated. Based on the Delivery Duty Paid process for shipping, all relevant taxes and duties are automatically included in the final sales price.
Click here to understand better the rules and regulations for ensuring overnight/next-day delivery.
Please note that we reserve the right to combine orders being delivered to the same delivery address when applicable. If you prefer your orders not to be shipped together, please reach out to our customer service team after checkout. - The ‘Order within’ statement is only valid when next-day shipping is selected as the shipping method.